In this thought-provoking animated film, we are introduced to a disabled man with an unbreakable spirit, whose one and only dream is to walk. Despite the numerous obstacles and difficulties that life has thrown his way, he refuses to give up on his aspirations and strives to realize his goal. The film showcases the importance of willpower and perseverance, and how they can help us achieve even the impossible.

A Journey of Triumph over Tragedy

The story begins with a wheelchair, its wheels, and geometric shapes, and gradually takes us through the journey of the protagonist as he overcomes the various challenges that come his way. In the first scene, we see the chairs lined up in a corridor, each one drawn from different angles and perspectives, reflecting the chaos that the disabled person has to face every day. However, he refuses to be defeated and presses on, facing each obstacle with determination and resilience.

A Study in Art and Color

The animation is created using computer graphics and video editing, and draws inspiration from some of the world's greatest artists. The use of colors in the film is particularly noteworthy, as the filmmakers have used them to convey a range of emotions and messages to the audience. For example, the color red is used to represent danger, suffering, and bloodshed, while yellow is used to symbolize energy, resilience, and hope. The color blue, on the other hand, represents truth, stability, and the protagonist's dream of freedom and travel.

A Message of Inspiration

At its core, the film is a testament to the power of the human spirit and the boundless potential of the human will. By following the movements of the objects and observing the style of geometric shapes, the filmmakers have created an abstract visual language that conveys the message that we can change our future and achieve the impossible, no matter how insurmountable the obstacles may seem.

A Reminder to Never Give Up

This animated film is a reminder that, no matter what life throws our way, we must never give up on our dreams and aspirations. With determination and perseverance, anything is possible. The story of the disabled man is a shining example of this, and his journey of triumph over adversity is sure to inspire and uplift viewers of all ages.

The Power of Will and Perseverance

In conclusion, the film is a celebration of the power of the human will and the importance of perseverance. It is a story of hope, resilience, and determination, and serves as a reminder that no obstacle is too great to overcome. So let us take inspiration from the disabled man's journey and strive towards our own dreams, never giving up, no matter what challenges we may face.

I was inspired by several artistic practices of painters such as:
- Piet Mondrian, Composition with Red, Yellow, and Blue, 1942.
- Roy Lichtenstein, BULL III
- Wassily Kindesky, Point Line Plan and Composition VIII, 1923